Excess thoughts on Life Photography and Art

October 13, 2006

We need new Senators and the old ones need to be harrassed!

As an American I am Appalled by the following information. If you live in these states give these senators a call and let them know your thoughts! You can email them write them call hell ANNOY THE HELL OUT OF THEM. They don’t want to do what the people want Why should we care about what they want!! I am an American, English is my official language. If I lived in Mexico Spanish would be my language, Same goes for other countries. If you want to live here Learn the language and Become a Citizen. If you can’t handle that KISS OUR ASS!!

The following senators voted _against_ making English the
official language of America :
**                                        Akaka (D-HI)**
**                                        Bayh (D-IN)**
**                                        Biden (D-DE)**
**                                        Bingaman (D-NM)**
**                                        Boxer (D-CA)**
**                                        Cantwell (D-WA)**
**                                        Clinton (D-NY)**
**                                        Dayton (D-MN)**
**                                        Dodd (D-CT)**
**                                        Domenici (R-NM)**
**                                        Durbin (D-IL)**
**                                        Feingold (D-WI)**
**                                        Feinstein (D-CA)**
**                                        Harkin (D-IA)**
**                                        Inouye (D-HI)**
**                                        Jeffords (I-VT)**
**                                        Ken nedy (D-MA)**
**                                        Kerry (D-MA)**
**                                        Kohl (D-WI)**
**                                        Lautenberg (D-NJ)**
**                                        Leahy (D-VT)**
**                                        Levin (D-MI)**
**                                        Lieberman (D-CT)**
**                                        Menendez (D-NJ)**
**                                        Mikulski (D-MD)**
**                                        Murray (D-WA)**
**                                        Obama (D-IL)**
**                                        Reed (D-RI)**
**                                        Reid (D-NV)**
**                                        Salazar (D-CO)**
**                                        Sarbanes (D-MD)**
**                                        Schumer (D-NY)**
**                                        Stabenow (D-MI)**
**                                        Wyden (D-OR)**
**                          (32 Democrats //1 Republican)**

Now, these are the senators who voted _to give_ illegal aliens
Social Security benefits.  Regardless of political party, these
politicians need to be defeated in 2006, 2008 or 2010,
whenever they come up for office.  They are grouped by
home state.  If a state is not listed, there was no voting

**Alaska****:                  Stevens (R)**
**Arizona****:                 McCain (R)**
**Arkansas****:              Lincoln (D)              Pryor (D)**
**California****:              Boxer (D)                Feinstein (D)**
**Colorado****:              Salazar (D)**
**Connecticut****:          Dodd (D)                Lieberman (D)**
**Delaware****:               Biden (D)                Carper (D)**
**Florida****:                   Martinez (R)**
**Hawaii****:                   Akaka (D)              Inouye (D)**
**Illinois****:                    Durbin (D)              Obama (D)**
**Indiana****:                   Bayh (D)                 Lugar (R)**
**Iowa****:                        Harkin (D)**
**Kansas****:                    Brownback (R)**
**Louisiana****:                Landrieu (D)**
**Maryland****:                Mikulski (D)          Sarbanes (D)**
**Massachusetts****:        Ken nedy (D)          Kerry (D)**
**Montana****:                  Baucus (D)**
**Nebraska****:                 Hagel (R)**
**Nevada****:                    Reid (D)**
**New Jersey****:              Lautenberg (D)      Menendez (D)**
**New Mexico****:            Bingaman (D)**
**New York****:                 Clinton (D)              Schumer (D)**
**North Dakota****:           Dorgan (D)**
**Ohio****:                         DeWine (R)           
**Oregon****:                     Wyden (D)**
**Pennsylvania****:           Specter (R)**
**Rhode Island****:            Chafee (R)              Reed (D)**
**South Carolina****:         Graham (R)**
**South Dakota****:           Johnson (D)**
**Vermont****:                   Jeffords (I)             Leahy (D)**
**Washington****:              Cantwell (D)          Murray (D)**
**West Virginia****:           Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting**
**Wisconsin****:                  Feingold (D)          Kohl (D)**
**              (37 Democrats / 12 Republicans)**

OUT! **

October 10, 2006

WBC and their crew of IDIOTS!

You guys know that I’m not one to push religion on anyone. I’ve always stated that i’m more spiritual than I am religious. However a friend pointed me to this site and I must say I’m Appalled! I don’t think i’ve ever been this upset by a group of people in my entire life. The group is ran by a nasty little “man” who goes by the name Pastor Fred Phelps. They have the Westboro Baptist Church and they are truly haters. They are bigots and angry sad little people in my opinion. Please check out the links Heck if you just check out one be sure to check out the Interview with Fred Phelps. Let me know what you think.


The Black Table spoke with Reverend Phelps about Mr. Rogers’ sins, the war in Iraq, and the many other reasons why God hates America.


Westboro Church Exchanges Amish Protests for Airtime


A Topeka church that had said it planned to protest at the funerals of five Amish girls killed in Pennsylvania this week now says it won’t have the protest.

That comes after a nationally syndicated radio talk show host, Mike Gallagher, offered the Westboro Baptist Church an hour of airtime tomorrow in exchange for dropping the demonstration.

Now, a representative of the Topeka group will appear on Gallagher’s show.

Members of the anti-gay church says it blames Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell for the deaths of the Amish children because of comments he made about Westboro Baptist on national TV several months ago.

Rendell’s reply today when told about the group’s statement? “They’re insane.”

On Sept. 11, 2001, God Almighty revealed a small foretaste of His divine wrath against the godless nation of America in the form of the WTC attack. America didn’t get the hint, instead waxing worse and worse in her sins against God. More and worse is on the way – America is Doomed! At your peril do you ignore the warnings of the Westboro Baptist Church.

More on this here http://www.thesignsofthetimes.net/wbcvideonews/wbcvideonews.html

October 2, 2006

Is there any doubt our Government needs an overhaul?

Filed under: child, education, knowledge, Life, limits, Money, politics, Uncategorized, war — aprilda @ 1:29 pm

First lets start out with (Former) Congressman Mark Foley. You know he resigned when he got caught emailing with a child. Yeah and I don’t mean jokes. I’m talking Nasty talk! If that isn’t pathetic enough, Now he’s trying to get everyone’s attention off of that fact by saying he’s a drunk! OMG YOU STUPID PEDOPHILE!!! Yeah you might have had some power but it doesn’t make you any better than any other child stalker, child rapist out there! YOU DESERVE TO BE IN PRISON FOR THE REST OF YOUR MISERABLE LIFE!! The article is about the email he’s just announced the whole pity me i’m a drunk thing!



Now on to the idiot we have in charge. OMG we as people are idiots as well. We put him in charge ffs. Basically there is a book that has Bush back tracking, stumbling and mumbing jibberish again! OH yeah like that’s something new for this man. YOU WORK FOR US BUSH GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS YOU IDIOT!

You know i’m not very political. I’d pray that those running the country I call home are a wee bit smarter than I am. however I think we’d be better off having monkeys in the whitehouse! I think the Dixie chicks made their point!

In March 2003, at a London concert, Natalie Maines comments on the war, telling the audience, “Just so you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” Ironically, the same week that controversy starts to brew over the comment in the U.S. and the group is falsely accused of not supporting the troops, they have the No. 1 country single in America with “Traveling Soldier,” a song of empathy toward soldiers and their families.

“Against the ongoing blanding out of America, a massive country star actually had the guts, for a moment, to say exactly what she thinks. … Maines’ comment stands as the boldest thing anyone in the entertainment industry has said since the war flap began….. For a moment she was the bravest American entertainer.” –Salon, March 2003, Stephanie Zacharek

Before the next election, I suggest we all search ourselves and fully understand what it is we want running our country.

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