Excess thoughts on Life Photography and Art

October 13, 2006

We need new Senators and the old ones need to be harrassed!

As an American I am Appalled by the following information. If you live in these states give these senators a call and let them know your thoughts! You can email them write them call hell ANNOY THE HELL OUT OF THEM. They don’t want to do what the people want Why should we care about what they want!! I am an American, English is my official language. If I lived in Mexico Spanish would be my language, Same goes for other countries. If you want to live here Learn the language and Become a Citizen. If you can’t handle that KISS OUR ASS!!

The following senators voted _against_ making English the
official language of America :
**                                        Akaka (D-HI)**
**                                        Bayh (D-IN)**
**                                        Biden (D-DE)**
**                                        Bingaman (D-NM)**
**                                        Boxer (D-CA)**
**                                        Cantwell (D-WA)**
**                                        Clinton (D-NY)**
**                                        Dayton (D-MN)**
**                                        Dodd (D-CT)**
**                                        Domenici (R-NM)**
**                                        Durbin (D-IL)**
**                                        Feingold (D-WI)**
**                                        Feinstein (D-CA)**
**                                        Harkin (D-IA)**
**                                        Inouye (D-HI)**
**                                        Jeffords (I-VT)**
**                                        Ken nedy (D-MA)**
**                                        Kerry (D-MA)**
**                                        Kohl (D-WI)**
**                                        Lautenberg (D-NJ)**
**                                        Leahy (D-VT)**
**                                        Levin (D-MI)**
**                                        Lieberman (D-CT)**
**                                        Menendez (D-NJ)**
**                                        Mikulski (D-MD)**
**                                        Murray (D-WA)**
**                                        Obama (D-IL)**
**                                        Reed (D-RI)**
**                                        Reid (D-NV)**
**                                        Salazar (D-CO)**
**                                        Sarbanes (D-MD)**
**                                        Schumer (D-NY)**
**                                        Stabenow (D-MI)**
**                                        Wyden (D-OR)**
**                          (32 Democrats //1 Republican)**

Now, these are the senators who voted _to give_ illegal aliens
Social Security benefits.  Regardless of political party, these
politicians need to be defeated in 2006, 2008 or 2010,
whenever they come up for office.  They are grouped by
home state.  If a state is not listed, there was no voting

**Alaska****:                  Stevens (R)**
**Arizona****:                 McCain (R)**
**Arkansas****:              Lincoln (D)              Pryor (D)**
**California****:              Boxer (D)                Feinstein (D)**
**Colorado****:              Salazar (D)**
**Connecticut****:          Dodd (D)                Lieberman (D)**
**Delaware****:               Biden (D)                Carper (D)**
**Florida****:                   Martinez (R)**
**Hawaii****:                   Akaka (D)              Inouye (D)**
**Illinois****:                    Durbin (D)              Obama (D)**
**Indiana****:                   Bayh (D)                 Lugar (R)**
**Iowa****:                        Harkin (D)**
**Kansas****:                    Brownback (R)**
**Louisiana****:                Landrieu (D)**
**Maryland****:                Mikulski (D)          Sarbanes (D)**
**Massachusetts****:        Ken nedy (D)          Kerry (D)**
**Montana****:                  Baucus (D)**
**Nebraska****:                 Hagel (R)**
**Nevada****:                    Reid (D)**
**New Jersey****:              Lautenberg (D)      Menendez (D)**
**New Mexico****:            Bingaman (D)**
**New York****:                 Clinton (D)              Schumer (D)**
**North Dakota****:           Dorgan (D)**
**Ohio****:                         DeWine (R)           
**Oregon****:                     Wyden (D)**
**Pennsylvania****:           Specter (R)**
**Rhode Island****:            Chafee (R)              Reed (D)**
**South Carolina****:         Graham (R)**
**South Dakota****:           Johnson (D)**
**Vermont****:                   Jeffords (I)             Leahy (D)**
**Washington****:              Cantwell (D)          Murray (D)**
**West Virginia****:           Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting**
**Wisconsin****:                  Feingold (D)          Kohl (D)**
**              (37 Democrats / 12 Republicans)**

OUT! **

October 2, 2006

Is there any doubt our Government needs an overhaul?

Filed under: child, education, knowledge, Life, limits, Money, politics, Uncategorized, war — aprilda @ 1:29 pm

First lets start out with (Former) Congressman Mark Foley. You know he resigned when he got caught emailing with a child. Yeah and I don’t mean jokes. I’m talking Nasty talk! If that isn’t pathetic enough, Now he’s trying to get everyone’s attention off of that fact by saying he’s a drunk! OMG YOU STUPID PEDOPHILE!!! Yeah you might have had some power but it doesn’t make you any better than any other child stalker, child rapist out there! YOU DESERVE TO BE IN PRISON FOR THE REST OF YOUR MISERABLE LIFE!! The article is about the email he’s just announced the whole pity me i’m a drunk thing!



Now on to the idiot we have in charge. OMG we as people are idiots as well. We put him in charge ffs. Basically there is a book that has Bush back tracking, stumbling and mumbing jibberish again! OH yeah like that’s something new for this man. YOU WORK FOR US BUSH GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS YOU IDIOT!

You know i’m not very political. I’d pray that those running the country I call home are a wee bit smarter than I am. however I think we’d be better off having monkeys in the whitehouse! I think the Dixie chicks made their point!

In March 2003, at a London concert, Natalie Maines comments on the war, telling the audience, “Just so you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” Ironically, the same week that controversy starts to brew over the comment in the U.S. and the group is falsely accused of not supporting the troops, they have the No. 1 country single in America with “Traveling Soldier,” a song of empathy toward soldiers and their families.

“Against the ongoing blanding out of America, a massive country star actually had the guts, for a moment, to say exactly what she thinks. … Maines’ comment stands as the boldest thing anyone in the entertainment industry has said since the war flap began….. For a moment she was the bravest American entertainer.” –Salon, March 2003, Stephanie Zacharek

Before the next election, I suggest we all search ourselves and fully understand what it is we want running our country.

September 28, 2006

Which Rights would you choose?

I was hanging new curtains in my daughter’s room today and saw this laying on her desk. I read it and thought wow this is what they are teaching our children! The United States is supposed to be a free country yet honestly I believe we have lost a huge amount of freedom already. It really got me to thinking and thought I’d share it with you and see what your reaction is. Which rights would you be willing to give up?


A Visitor From Outer Space


       You are quietly watching television with your family when a special news bulletin comes over the TV. You immediately see that this is not the normal type of news bulletin because there is what looks like a very strange creature on the screen. The only thing, which is familiar is that, he is speaking in English. He tells you that he and his people have gained control over the communications networks in the United States and that everyone had better pay attention to what he has to say. You change the channel, and just as he said, there he is on every station. He begins to speak very loudly and you gather your family around because you are beginning to worry about what he is going to do. His speech is as follows:


       “My name is sthgiR and I am from the planet noitutitsnoc in another galaxy where the inhabitants are far superior to the beings on this planet Earth. Just as we have gained control over the communications of the United States, we have the ability to take complete control over every one of your lives. We do not want a war between our planet and yours, but we do want to control some things so that we can live in peace and harmony with you. We have looked at some of your laws and the way your government operates and have found it gives too much freedom to the individual. Therefore, we are going to conduct a survey to try and arrive at a decision with which both you and I are happy. As I have said, I do not want to take everything away from you, but I can’t allow you to continue to live as you have in the past. Therefore I am giving you a list of ten of the rights, which you now have according to the constitution, You are to look over the list and decide which of the ten are most important to you. I will allow you to keep five, of the ten rights- the five, which get the most votes from all the citizens of the untied States. You are to rank the following rights in the order in which you would give them up. 1 being the one you would give up last and 10 being the one you would give up first. After you have completed your ranking you will receive further instructions.”


  • _ Right to bear arms
  • _ Right to freedom of speech
  • _ Right to legal counsel
  • _ Right to protection from cruel and unusual Punishments
  • _ Right to freedom of the press
  • _ Right to a jury Trial
  • _ Right to freedom of religion
  • _ Right to peacefully assemble
  • _ Right to privacy
  • _ Right to protection from self-incrimination


Rick miller, Citizenship Law-related Education Program from the schools of Maryland.

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