Excess thoughts on Life Photography and Art

September 11, 2006

Attack of the sinuses

Filed under: leaf, Life, My Photography, nature, pain, Photography, sinus, teeth ears, Uncategorized — aprilda @ 2:19 am

Fall Colors

My sinuses have been HELL!! The last two days i’ve been taking lots of Moltrin and thinking I had a really bad tooth ache. So i’ve been using that nasty stuff called Anbisol! YUK!  Anyways It wasn’t till this evening that I realized it was indeed my sinuses. So now at least I know I don’t have to visit a DENTIST!

Isn’t it amazing though how something as simple as your sinuses can lead to such a vast array of health issues. When mine act up it feels as if all the teeth in my mouth need to be removed and it feels like I have an ear ache. Both of which don’t bring me joy! Seems that i’ll still have to treat the tooth aches until I can get the sinus thing under raps.

The photo above is one I did a while back. We haven’t had any rain and well it’s looking like fall early around here except for the horrible heat! Nasty thing that heat and humidity!

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