Excess thoughts on Life Photography and Art

September 11, 2006

Do you remember

Filed under: 9/11, blood, children, death, fighting, hate, Life, limits, loss, pain, remember, sadness, TV, Uncategorized, violence, war — aprilda @ 11:02 am

Do you remember where you were that morning when the towers fell? I know I’ll never forget. I had worked at night shift at the Bryan County Youth Shelter and had just gotten home. I came in threw down my bags and made myself something to drink. I’d walked into my room and rolled my eyes at the fact that Al didn’t make the bed lol. I grabbed the remote and turned on the news. All of a sudden They are showing one of the towers being on fire. I remember thinking omg how horrible. So I sat there watching for a few moments. All of a sudden the news man is like airplane, then it just crashed into that building. I broke at that moment, I realized that something was horribly wrong. I called my husband and I was like Al something bad has just happened, one tower was burning and then a plane crashed into the second one, I think we’ve just be attacked. I didn’t move from that spot the rest of the day. I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep, I just sat there almost in shock as I watched and listened to every detail being replayed over and over. By that evening I was angry, I never could change the channel for days I just watched, at work i’d turn it on so I could hear it as I worked.

I remember holding my kids and telling them that we’d be safe, that this is America and that we are a safe country. I also remember thinking yeah right look what just happened.

Our Country had to open their eyes that day. We had to realize that we aren’t the Perfect country, people can destroy us. I think it also brought the people together. I noticed people greeted you more, they were just plain nicer.

In my opinion our government has become so obsessed with money and fame that they aren’t protecting the people the way they should. Things like this will continue, we will never be “safe”. I think we honestly need to make a change in the way our country is ran. It’s like my friend Bri said, Be careful about who you elect. We need to be choosing folks more like ourselves. Also we should be deciding how much money they make because they work for the people! They need to start remembering that they are nothing more than government workers, Hell I’m a government worker and my pay sucks and I grant you I work my ass off. So what makes them so special.

Love your family and your neighbors! Take time to speak to the people you meet, help your community in whatever way you can! and most importantly remember 9/11!

Do you Remember

Filed under: 9/11, blood, children, death, fighting, hate, Life, limits, loss, Money, pain, profit, remember, sadness, TV, Uncategorized, violence, war — aprilda @ 10:59 am



Attack of the sinuses

Filed under: leaf, Life, My Photography, nature, pain, Photography, sinus, teeth ears, Uncategorized — aprilda @ 2:19 am

Fall Colors

My sinuses have been HELL!! The last two days i’ve been taking lots of Moltrin and thinking I had a really bad tooth ache. So i’ve been using that nasty stuff called Anbisol! YUK!  Anyways It wasn’t till this evening that I realized it was indeed my sinuses. So now at least I know I don’t have to visit a DENTIST!

Isn’t it amazing though how something as simple as your sinuses can lead to such a vast array of health issues. When mine act up it feels as if all the teeth in my mouth need to be removed and it feels like I have an ear ache. Both of which don’t bring me joy! Seems that i’ll still have to treat the tooth aches until I can get the sinus thing under raps.

The photo above is one I did a while back. We haven’t had any rain and well it’s looking like fall early around here except for the horrible heat! Nasty thing that heat and humidity!

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